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Chief Mindful Living Officer at On Target Living

International Keynote Speaker. Registered Dietitian. Superfood Chef. Author. Yoga Instructor. Personal Trainer.

January 7, 2017

Get Your Sprout On!

Make your sandwiches healthy and delicious with sprouted bread! Did you know that sprouted grains are easier for the body to digest and absorb? The sprouting process also provides the bread with live digestive enzymes that can help the body to breakdown the bread more efficiently and absorb all of the wonderful vitamins and minerals that go with it. Because sprouted bread is considered a live food, you can find it in the refrigerator or […]
January 7, 2017

Super Tips For Men’s Health

Rest is the most underrated but most important ingredient for living a happier and healthier life. Most people focus on eating right and exercising more, but if you are not taking time to rest and recover—you can only get so far. Sleeping is the number one way to heal the body and age well. It is also the key to keeping the immune system healthy. A recent study found that when mice were deprived of […]
January 7, 2017

Challenges Create Change

Sometimes Life is Hard by Dawn Miller, Manager of Client Relations I am a travel addict. This past year I’ve traveled to many South American/Central American countries that illicit images of drugs, crime and government corruption. Our media has a gift for painting the ugliest pictures while hiding the beauty of the hearts and walls of the same. For me, each experience in any country, city, or town is beautiful and unique. Cartagena, Colombia Challenges […]
January 7, 2017

Dedication Pays Off

by Tab Jackson, Lifestyle & Fitness Coach for On Target Living I initially got to know Nichole in 2010 when she was looking for a change in her normal training routine and also in the personal trainers she was using. In my view she had become frustrated with the lack of progress and overall guidance she was receiving. At that time I was just completing my certification as a Lifestyle & Fitness Coach, and knew […]



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