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February 27, 2017

Boost Your Mood Naturally!

Did you know that happy people live a healthier and longer life? Happiness can add 7.5 years to your life.  Finding your happiness starts from within… Check out our OTL Happy- Food Package  Individual Happy Foods:  Cod Liver Oil Spirulina/Chlorella Sea Vegetables Maca Powder Cacao Nibs Coconut Goji Berries Hemp Seeds Flaxseeds
February 27, 2017

What’s So Special About OTL Essentials?

Over the last several years we at On Target Living, have been on a hunt to find the most nutritious, flavorful, and affordable products on the market today.  We have spent hours upon hours researching, tasting, and sharing all the benefits of these great products and brands with our favorite people. This is because we feel that these products are too good to keep to ourselves and we can’t help but spread the love one […]
February 27, 2017

Be A Role Model!

Parents are the ultimate role models for their kids. If you want your kids to do something–you have to do it first yourself. The key is to teaching your kids healthy behaviors while they are young so they can develop healthy habits as they grow older. Inspire, educate and teach your kids all the wonderful benefits of eating healthy. Re-Introduce “Cod Liver Oil” as a delicious treat for making you strong and healthy! Annie (Mom), […]
February 27, 2017

Forming Healthy Habits For A Lifetime

At On Target Living, we believe that living healthy should be a lifestyle that is fun, flavorful, and most importantly, sustainable.  Our message is centered on teaching people how to make simple upgrades to better health by taking one small step at a time.   Ultimately, these small steps form lifelong habits. Whatever it is you want to achieve, commit to taking small, incremental improvements rather than thinking you have to do everything at once […]
February 27, 2017

Should You Get A Flu Shot?

By: Kristen Johnson, Registered Dietitian at On Target Living Should you get a flu shot? Should you not get a flu shot? Perhaps this is the question that some of you may be struggling with now that cold and flu season is upon us.  At On Target Living, we have learned that there is no such thing as a bad question; but there is always such thing as a better question. Let’s dive in a […]
February 27, 2017

Why Testosterone Is Important

It seems like every time we turn on the TV, there is a commercial for “low-T” or low testosterone. Currently advertisers are marketing this message to males over 40. But this is also important for females as well. What is T or Testosterone? Testosterone is a steroid and healing hormone.  Testosterone is commonly referred to as our sex hormone and is essential for good health. It helps regulate energy, bone mass, muscle mass and sex […]
February 27, 2017

Ask Our Dietitian

Here our Registered Dietitian, Kristen Johnson answers some of our most popular questions.   Question Can I cook with flaxseeds? Answer When it comes to omega 3 fats—like fish oil, flax and chia seeds–heating will destroy their healthful benefits.  We recommend you consume them in their natural state and avoid heating.  You could add ground flaxseeds to salads, smoothies, oatmeal, a shot of pomegranate juice, raw snack bars, etc.  (We have some great recipes in […]
February 27, 2017

Ask Our Dietitian

Here Registered Dietitian, Kristen Johnson shares some simple ways for using food to heal the body.  Just ask our Dietitian! Question #1 I wanted to ask you a recommendation for my daughter. She suffers from migraines and was diagnosed this year with gall bladder stones. She has a iodine allergy and cannot eat any fish. What do you recommend for her to try to get the migraines under control? I think her gall bladder problems […]
February 24, 2017

GMOs 101

What Is A GMO? GMOs or genetically modified organisms are plants, bacteria, viruses or animals whose genetic make-up (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. These genetically modified (GM) crops are created to have a better resistance to weeds, pests, and other diseases. Many of these genetically foods are also made to have a longer shelf life and a stronger make-up for easier shipping. Because of this, genetically modified foods […]
February 23, 2017

Famous Chicken and Noodles

Food is powerful. It is social, energizing, and is especially delicious. But it is so much more than just that. Think about when you get invited over to a friend’s house for dinner or go to a family member’s house for the holidays–you usually always bring a dish, right? This is because food connects us. It is a great conversation starter. It is satisfying and comforting. It is even rewarding when you share your own […]