At On Target Living, we believe that living healthy should be a lifestyle that is fun, flavorful, and most importantly, sustainable. Our message is centered on teaching people how to make simple upgrades to better health by taking one small step at a time. Ultimately, these small steps form lifelong habits.
Whatever it is you want to achieve, commit to taking small, incremental improvements rather than thinking you have to do everything at once or change your lifestyle overnight.
According to the Huff Post Healthy Living, it takes on average, more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic and you form a “habit.” 66 days to be exact.
Don’t worry about being perfect for these 66 days either. Making a mistake once or twice has no measurable impact on your long-term habits. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, and develop strategies for getting back on track.
Definition of a “habit:” A settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
An example of this would be brushing your teeth or making coffee first thing in the morning. Perhaps, you want to try adding a new superfood to your daily routine. Who knows, with small steps overtime taking a shot of wheatgrass could become a habit you do first thing every morning becoming something you simply cannot give up.