March 12, 2020

Are You Using Your Invisible Suit of Armor?

Hand sanitizer and face masks are sold out at most convenient stores. The stock market is plunging. Events, meetings and schools are getting canceled. Flights are empty as corporate America puts a hold on travel for employees. People aren’t shaking hands’s elbow or fist bumps only. Here’s the thing. As our population grows, so will our exposure to pathogens that hand sanitizer and face masks can’t destroy. These things also don't address the stress that we create due to fear and uncertainty.
December 13, 2019

On Target Weaning Baby Led Feeding

Do you struggle to get healthy meals on the table that your kids will actually eat? Are you interested in teaching your kids how to be an intuitive eater who enjoys all foods, especially the healthy ones? Are you looking to make family mealtime less hectic and more of an experience where you can re-connect? Well, there may be a different way to think about eating for you and your baby. 
October 22, 2019

Plant Based Burgers. Healthy or Not?

The Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat Burger are the newest faux meat burgers to hit grocery stores and restaurants. Both are vegan and contain animal products or by-products and are designed to mimic the taste and texture of real beef. While all of this sounds healthy from the outside, it is far from healthy on the inside...
October 22, 2019

Plant- Based. The New Processed Food?

Even though French fries, pasta, cookies, chips, vegan cheese, and tofurkey, fall into the “vegan” or “plant-based” diet, it doesn’t mean they are healthy. These plant-based products may simply be the next generation of processed food.
July 19, 2019

Coffee. Healthy or Not?

Is it healthful to drink coffee? If so, how much and why?  I believe the healthiest part about drinking coffee is the social element since we are finding our social connections to be the greatest predictor of long- term happiness. Coffee also stimulates dopamine, our neurotransmitter that activates our pleasure centers in the brain and can enhance our experience in the moment. However, too much coffee can deplete our serotonin levels over time which can […]
April 10, 2019

The Anti-Inlammatory Diet

To give you a better understanding of the anti-inflammatory diet, let’s start with defining what inflammation is...

March 14, 2019

A Sustainable Lifestyle Plan

Wondering how to make this lifestyle stick? What if you love eating out, meeting friends for wine, or exploring the local cuisine when you travel? What if you can’t give up your coffee or chocolate? How do you live healthy without giving up the things that make you happy?

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