It seems the word “superfood” is everywhere these days. So, what exactly is a superfood? Superfoods are nutrient-dense whole foods that offer many amazing health benefits packed into a small amount of food. Superfoods can help you to target all of your health needs since they contain the most nutrients and offer the most benefits. They include all foods found in the center green circles of the food target and include fruits, vegetables, ancient grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Think of superfoods as the most powerful multivitamin.
Over the years, we have been on a hunt to find the most powerful superfoods that provide the most benefits. In this search, we have found that, just like calories are not created equal, superfoods are not created equal. For example; the processed fish oil gel tablet from your local conveience store will not be the same as a high quality fish oil sourced from the Norweigian Seas.
Luckily, we have found the best quality, most nutritious and best tasting superfoods on the planet. In an effort to make On Target Living as easy as possible, we have gathered these specific branded products on our OTL Essentials Shop.
Here are the top 3 superfoods that will change your life. Want to know what the best part is? It only costs you $5.00 a day to take all three. Remember, that it is not too expensive to eat healthy, it is too expensive to get sick. After all, our life is priceless.
This wheatgrass is the highest mineral source in the world with over 90 minerals, making it extremely alkaline. Wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll, which acts as a powerful detoxifier. Wheatgrass strengthens our cells, neutralizes environmental pollutants, aids digestion, helps with acid reflux, metabolism and weight-loss, decreases inflammation, and improves skin, hair and nails.
This particular wheatgrass comes in ice cube form. It is grown, cut, and flash frozen to provide you with the most nutrients. Because it is frozen right at it’s peak nutrition state–it will contain lots of live digestive enzymes helping to improve bloating, elimination, and absorption.
How To: Melt 2-5 wheatgrass ice cubes in a glass of water and drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. (A shot of energy!)
This fresh water algae is super high in chlorophyll and helps to build the immune system, detoxify the body and improve digestion. Spirulina and chlorella are high in protein making it a great source for vegans or protein needs in general. It is also a good source of iodine need for a healthy thyroid and metabolism.
Spirulina/chlorella is an awesome superfood to take on the go especially when you aren’t able to take your wheatgrass. Ideally, you would want to take both wheatgrass and spirulina/chlorella since they do different things for the body (wheatgrass is the highest source of minerals, and spirulina/chlorella is especially great for the immune system). But, when you simply can’t do your wheatgrass or are on the go–double up on your spirulina/chlorella for that extra dose of greens and cleansing chlorophyll.
How To: Swallow (don’t chew) the tablets with water! Aim for 10-20 per day. It is best taken 15-20 minutes prior to eating.
Omega 3 fats like fish, cod liver oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds and nuts are essential for healthy hormonal balance, brain health, joint health, weight loss, metabolism. Omega 3 fats also play a role in relaxation, contributing to a good night’s sleep.
DHA and EPA is a specific kind of omega 3 that can only be found in fish. It is especially helpful for the brain and heart. Because we have limited access to fresh, wild caught fish, it is important to get a healthy dose of omega 3s from a high quality fish oil.
Nordic Naturals Orange Flavored Cod Liver Oil is the highest quality fish oil on the market, sourced right from the Norwegian Seas. It also actually tastes good with no fishy after taste or burping involved. The reason we recommend cod liver oil is the liver of the cod is naturally high in vitamin D, which is needed to absorb calcium.
How To: Take 1-2 Tablespoons per day (1500-3000 mg of EPA/DHA per day)