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January 10, 2019

This Year, Carbs Are Cool!

By now most people are aware of the health benefits of consuming high-quality fats such as coconut oil, avocados, almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, olives, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, and cod liver oil just to name a few.  A nutritional plan deficient in healthy fats or proteins will compromise the health and performance of the human body. The same is true of carbohydrates.
March 2, 2017

I Eat Grains and I Look Good!

Look Like A Body Builder While Eating Fruits, Grains & Potatoes! One of the questions I receive after many of my On Target Living Seminars is how can I get a leaner & healthier body? I then ask a question back, “do you want to get leaner or do you also want to be healthy too?” The look I receive from some of the audience participants is priceless. They seem confused by my answer and […]
January 8, 2017

Healthy Recipes for Summer

At On Target Living, we sure love our PB Love! Stone-ground, artisan nut butter made by two cool dudes in Denver, Colorado. From our experience, we have found that when you combine On Target Living and PB Love, you get something amazing–healthy and delicious recipes for summer! #yum #healthyanddelicious Makes 18-20 Muffins Banana Nut Butter Muffins 2 bananas, mashed with a fork ¼ cup of honey ½ cup of organic plain Greek Yogurt (I use […]
January 7, 2017

Get Your Sprout On!

Make your sandwiches healthy and delicious with sprouted bread! Did you know that sprouted grains are easier for the body to digest and absorb? The sprouting process also provides the bread with live digestive enzymes that can help the body to breakdown the bread more efficiently and absorb all of the wonderful vitamins and minerals that go with it. Because sprouted bread is considered a live food, you can find it in the refrigerator or […]